Improve your golf game before teeing off on a local Gulf Shores or Orange Beach course with the help of these 5 easy tips.
Are you ready to take your golf game to the next level? Are you a beginner and ready to pick up some habits that will enable you to lower your score quickly? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, there are several easy things that the best golfers in the world follow. However, many fail to do so because they are either unaware or think they are unimportant.
While golf is anything but simple, there are a few tips that every standard golfer should follow that will help improve scores. From the iconic professionals that have played this game to the youngsters picking up a club for the first time, anyone following these simple principles will quickly find their golf game is heading in the right direction.

1. Physical Versus Mental
Golf is frequently recognized as a sport that is both mental and physical. While it is vital in the 21st century to be fit and head to the gym to ensure your core physique is ready for the strain of hitting a 300+ yard drive, the mental aspect is something that many fail to truly understand.
Everyone hits bad shots, but what separates the best golfers from those that will continue to struggle is how quickly you can eliminate that poor hit from your mind and get ready for the next one. Watching the pros on the PGA Tour is the perfect example to see how many will hit an unfavorable shot, only to follow that up with one that many of us could only dream of hitting. Yes, the physical aspect is critical in terms of the fundamental swing characteristics, but much of what you see is simply because of their ability to push that lousy shot out of their mind and focus 100% on their next shot.
2. Stick to a Routine
As you watch the great icons in their sports, you will notice that many of them have a routine that they follow every time. Whether it’s an NBA player preparing to shoot a free throw or a professional tennis star preparing to hit a serve, they always follow the same routine The same is true for golfers with their pre-shot routine. Get in the habit of establishing that “trigger” that puts you into the zone and prepares you to picture the perfect shot before executing. This is particularly helpful when faced with high-pressure situations such as a daunting tee shot over water or perhaps a short putt on the 18th hole to achieve a low score.

3. Work on the Short Game
“Drive for show, putt for dough” is an adage that most golfers have heard about, but many fail to understand. While it’s impressive to hit a towering drive down the middle of the fairway followed by a pinpoint iron shot into the heart of the green, missing those short putts makes all that hard work on the long game go to waste. When visiting the driving range, spend more time on the practice area with wedges around the green and practice putting green with several putting drills to ensure you are ready to take advantage of those approach shots. The short game is a part of golf that is frequently forgotten, as much attention is placed on swing fundamentals. However, a golfer can work on their chipping and putting from pretty much anywhere – at the course, the driving range, and home. Spend time in the off-season, continuing to improve your short game to really reap the benefits at the start of the new golf season.
4. Golf Course Strategy
While it can be so tempting to think about hitting that perfect shot that will lead to an easy birdie, the potential risk of finding a nearby hazard frequently outweighs the benefit of attempting these difficult shots. It’s no surprise that the difference between a good golfer and a great golfer is the understanding of when to attack and when to play safe with an effective golf course strategy. Creating the best angle to approach greens from the tee box or preventing yourself from being short-sided around the green are strategies that the best golfers in the world are thinking about on every hole. Every golfer will hit a bad shot, but being able to walk away with only one dropped shot because of effective on-course strategy is much better than facing a disastrous score that could ruin the scorecard.

5. Know your Distances and Be Realistic
Not every golfer is destined to hit the ball like Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus. In fact, very few have the physical ability to achieve the distances you see on tour. Having the ability to know precisely how far, on average, each club in the bag will travel will enable you to make smart decisions on the course and ensure you are always on track to achieve a good score.
Spend time at the Orange Beach Golf Center throughout the year to really gain a solid feel on how far you can hit each club in your bag and make a note of this so that when you visit the course, you know what club to pull to avoid trouble.
You may think you already know your distances, but also take into consideration the climate conditions and consider the difference between golf balls you play with on the course versus those at the driving range. Frequently, those you purchase will likely travel slightly further than those at the range. With the abundance of technology gadgets available on the market, ranging from range finders to mobile apps on your phone, you can be well prepared heading to the course knowing exactly how far you hit your clubs.
Put these five tips to the test by visiting one of the many beautiful courses on the Alabama Gulf Coast and up your golf game.