Gulf Shores and Orange Beach boast many options and locations throughout the year for catching a wide variety of fish. However, selecting the right fishing spot can be key when trying to have the best fishing trip you can have while visiting Alabama’s beaches.

Surf Fishing Spots
When fishing along Gulf Coast beaches, there are many things to look for along the surf’s edge to improve your day of fishing. When surf fishing along the shore, you will find different types of sand structure like deep holes that are cut into the surfs edge caused by wave action and rip currents that many fish like to hang around. Species that frequent these areas include pompano and whiting in the cooler temperature months during the spring and fall as well as speckled trout, redfish, and flounder in the warmer months.
One way to look for these deeper holes is to look for areas along the shore that have darker colored water on calm days or to look for bends in the sand near the water’s edge that indicate the pockets on days with heavier wave action. These current flows and troughs act as a saltwater conveyor belt that brings bait to hungry fish waiting to find an easy meal. To maximize your surf fishing location, look for the steepest drop off and ledges that indicate stronger current flows.

Winter Inshore Fishing Spots
When venturing away from the beach into Alabama's inshore coastal waters there are many different types of spots and locations to look for to increase your catch of desired species. When fishing in the winter months you will find sheepshead and black drum frequenting bridge pylons, rock rubble and piles, and other hard structure areas such as oyster beds. These species prefer to frequent areas that provide access to barnacles, crustaceans and other things that fill a majority of their diet. When fishing these areas it is important to bring plenty of extra tackle to combat the snags and break offs.
To find other inshore species along the coast in the winter months it is important to move up stream into the tidal creeks and rivers. There you will find deep holes and river pockets that allow the fish to move deeper and find more consistent water temperatures as well as saltier water. In these areas it is common to find speckled trout, redfish as well as the occasional cold weather flounder or Gulf strain striped bass.

Spring & Summer Inshore Fishing Spots
As we move into spring and the waters continue to warm you will find these same species moving closer to the Gulf of Mexico into shallow water flat areas such as sand bars, grass flats and peninsulas with large amounts of tidal movement. The key to find fish at these locations throughout the summer months is to look for the strongest currents and keep your eyes peeled for schooling baitfish and birds that will indicate hungry schools of predatory fish.

Planning Your Next Fishing Trip
With the many different styles of fishing and different species along Alabama’s gulf coast, it can be tough to decide where to fish or what to fish for. With these tips, help from local fishing charters, and a little patience, you can limit your time searching and increase your time catching on your next Gulf Shores fishing trip!