Wheel Thrown Pottery for Adults

Recurring weekly on Tuesday

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Wheel Thrown Pottery for Adults

Tuesdays, March 25 - April 29 | 10 am - 1 pm
Ages: 18+

Potters of all levels, from beginner to advanced, will enjoy this opportunity to grow their skills with wheel-thrown pottery in this six-week class. We will focus on functional ware and learn a variety of decorating techniques.


$200 - Members / $250 - Not-Yet Members

See All Dates
  • 03/25/2025
    10:00 AM
  • 04/01/2025
    10:00 AM
  • 04/08/2025
    10:00 AM
  • 04/15/2025
    10:00 AM
  • 04/22/2025
    10:00 AM
  • 04/29/2025
    10:00 AM