Bushwacker Crème Brûlée

- 1 1/2 qt. of heavy cream
- 4 oz. of Malibu rum
- 6 oz. of Kahlua
- 2 oz. crème de cocoa
- 4 oz. Hershey's semi-sweet chocolate
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 1/2 cups of sugar, divided
- 25 ea. egg yolks
- 1/2 cup sugar for caramelizing
Pre heat oven to 350 degrees.
Prepare crème brûlée dishes in a tall-sided baking pan.
Separate egg yolks and place them in a medium mixing bowl with 1 ¼ sugar.
Place the heavy cream and 1 ¼ cup of the sugar on the stove to scald.
Once the cream and sugar are hot, add the vanilla extract, liquors and chocolate. Stir to incorporate fully.
Temper the egg mixture into the egg and sugar mixture stirring constantly adding half of the cream at a time.
When the mixture if fully combined fill crème brûlée ramekins just below the rim.
Add hot water to the baking pan to form a water bath and bake the crème brûlée for about 25 minutes.
Until the center of the crème brûlée no longer move like liquid when tapping the side of the pan.
Remove from oven and cool slightly before placing in the refrigerator. To chill completely, about 4 hours at least.
To serve remove from the refrigerator and place a heaping teaspoon of sugar on each crème brûlée and shake to distribute it evenly on the surface of the crème brûlée.
Torch with a hand torch gently until the sugar first melts then caramelizes. Be careful to keep the torch moving to prevent burning.
Serve immediately.