Planning Your Tournament
in Gulf Shores & Orange Beach
Successful event planning is in the details. When you choose Gulf Shores and Orange Beach to host your event, you don’t have to worry about beautiful scenery, amazing restaurants, or fun activities. Now that the biggies are covered here are a few tips that can go a long way with your tournament.

Pick the Right Date
When choosing the date or dates for your event, check out other area events that may coincide and affect accommodation availability, facilities, etc. If this is an event you hope to host annually, ask the Gulf Shores & Orange Beach Sports Commission team about the likelihood of securing the same dates the following year.
Agree on Down-time Activities
Consider planned activities for attendees during down time (meet and greets, fun mixers) but give attendees plenty of free time to explore and enjoy the area as they wish.

Location, Location, Location
Alabama Beaches has facilities that are second to none. Look beyond the field and consider restrooms, concession, parking, and other situations when choosing the best location.
Ref the Refs
Hire an experienced former official to help manage “official business” such as grievances, communication, hospitality, and payments. Using a liaison can help you focus on the other things.

Check, 1-2
Sound systems and other technology can be temperamental. Always do sound checks and tech checks daily. A loose extension cord can lead to some embarrassment!